Hat Shaped Grinding Wheels Type 28 — Bullard Abrasives | Custom Cutting Grinding and Finishing Abrasives

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Hat Shaped Grinding Wheels Type 28


Hat Shaped Grinding Wheels Type 28

from $7.60

A HAT SHAPED GRINDING WHEEL designed to perform at a 10 to 15 degree angle, avoiding the operator fatigue one might experience when grinding with a Type 27. Delivers more abrasive grain to the work surface to ensure maximum material removal.

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  • Primary application - ferrous metal (structural steel, iron, welds, etc.)

  • Harder bond for improved wheel life and increased performance

  • Great for beveling or grinding rough surfaces


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  • Primary application - concrete, masonry, stone, etc.

  • Secondary application - non-ferrous metals (aluminum, brass, copper)

  • Harder bond for improved wheel life and increased performance

  • Silicon carbide grain

Performance Tier:


A24R, C24R: Our LIGHTNING grinding wheels are a general purpose formulation with attitude. Don't be mistaken, this is a serious workhorse that offers a great blend of material removal and wheel life. Made to exacting standards so you can expect consistent performance from every wheel you buy. Lightning wheels are a great choice for applications where versatility of material type and fast removal rate are important to the operator. They also have the added benefit of a lower acquisition cost.